Car Prices Blogs

Helpful Ways to Negotiate the Price of a New Car Part 2

October 20th, 2011

If you are currently thinking about buying a new car then here is part 2 of the many helpful ways on how to negotiate new car prices:

1. Never rush. In fact, rushing will only lead to catastrophic consequences. Most people are fed up by the numbers that they see on the dealer and will just settle for the sticker price instead. Take your time when negotiating the price of a new car. The average time that it will take for you to negotiate the price will be around 30 minutes to about an hour, although there are times that it might take longer.

2. Never use the MSRP or sticker price as the basis for negotiating the price of the car. Remember that the MSRP is just the suggested retail price of the car and is not an indication of how much that you really need to pay.

3. Use the dealer invoice and the true dealer cost to figure out the right price. Yes, you can use the true dealer cost as the basis in which to start the negotiation process. No, the dealer invoice alone is not enough to come up with an agreeable price. Keep in mind that the dealer invoice will almost always contain the dealer holdback. If the price of the car is $15,000 then the holdback will be around $450, around 2% to 3% of the MSRP. The $450 would have ended up as additional savings for you.

More to come on secret negotiation tactics and how to come up with the lowest price on a new car. Start your car shopping here and ask for a free quote. This alone will give you a list of competing car prices that includes the dealer invoice for the type of car that you want.